FRA : Reading 32. Financial Statement Analysis: Applications
reading: 32. Financial Statement Analysis: Applications
a. evaluate a company's past financial performance and explain how a company's strategy is reflected in past financial performance. (page 301)
- financial ratios를 통해 trend를 찾아냄으로써 회사의 경영 strategies를 알아냄
b. forecast a company's future net income and cash flow. (page 302)
- key ratios는 constant라고 가정하고 매출 예측 후 비율을 곱해서 예측
c. describe the role of financial statement analysis in assessing the credit quality of a potential debt investment. (page 303)
Credit analysis : 신용분석
3Cs, 4Cs, 5Cs로 불림
1. Character : 경영진의 reputation, 과거 debt repayment
2. Collateral
3. Capacity to repay
4. Condition
5. Capital
신용분석 및 평가에 대한 FS의 역할
1. Leverage
2. Margin stability
3. Operational efficiency
4. Scale , Diversification : 대기업은 다양한 product라인 보유 신용도 높음
d. describe the use of financial statement analysis in screening for potential equity investments. (page 304)
e. explain appropriate analyst adjustments to a company's financial statements to facilitate comparison with another company. (page 305)